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FOV 44 O 30

Goodmorning everyone. On the orqa website it says that you can change the fov from 44 to 30 ... I tried and tried but I was not able ........ does anyone know how to do it?

It should be the supersize option in the image settings, however, it seems to be broken.

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I don't think it's super size option. Super size option slightly increases the image by a few pixels. But there is no problem, I FOV at 44 degrees is very good. Maybe with the next firmware they will add the option
On the website it says that it can change 44 or 30 degrees with a click, but in the technical specifications it says 44 degrees ...... and the super size still increases the FOV. I think there will be a 30 degree option in future firmware

it's maybe that:

- 44° at 4:3 

- 30° at 16:9

From what I know it should be so

it SHOULD, but it isn't! it's also not 16:9 it's cropped and streched...firmware will change this in the (near?) future

Yes ... they are newborn glasses .... it is normal that there is some problem .... orqa is a good team .... they will solve

They have not added that feature to decrease the FOV yet.  post this in the feature section as something you want them to add.  

The feature ist now added and i love it!

now the image is shrunk by 25% and are now at about 33°.

I did the update last night .... I try it tonight
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