I've tried downloading the firmware file from the website, extracted the files to the sdcard. Sdcard inserted into goggles, firmware update process didn't proceed, ended with "invalid firmware file". Tried updating with my oneplus 7t android 10 device, getting json error {"response" : "ERROR XY"}
and I've tried using my iPhone SE 2020, which only gives me a big X.
So, what can I do?
I didn't make any changes to the names. I just downloaded what was sent to me.
Don't rename anything.
Kevin Mattern
about 4 years ago
As I can see, the filenames should look like in this attached Screenshot.
By the way, I've tried a new blank sdcard and after second time power cycle, the update process started unexpectedly with a few seconds more delay, than the others before v2. X
Kevin Mattern
6 people have this problem