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Firmware 2.5.1 not installable

I've tried downloading the firmware file from the website, extracted the files to the sdcard. Sdcard inserted into goggles, firmware update process didn't proceed, ended with "invalid firmware file". Tried updating with my oneplus 7t android 10 device, getting json error {"response" : "ERROR XY"} and I've tried using my iPhone SE 2020, which only gives me a big X. So, what can I do?

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Hey guys. After trying multiple times, it worked for me with the following file names :

ORQA_update.bin in the FW folder


Hope it works for you too !

Hopefully others will try a new SD card and have success.
As I can see, the filenames should look like in this attached Screenshot. By the way, I've tried a new blank sdcard and after second time power cycle, the update process started unexpectedly with a few seconds more delay, than the others before v2. X
I didn't make any changes to the names. I just downloaded what was sent to me. Don't rename anything.

Which are the correct file name Qrqa_update.bin or ORQAupdate.bin?

Downloaded file name is ORQAupdate.bin, do I need to rename it?

Hopefully, those on 2.5.0 got your googles updated to 2.5.1

It took myself 8-9 tries before finally updating to 2.5.1 from 2.5.0. Customer service sent me directions just like everyone has been seeing. Take out VTX/WIFI etc, Format Card, Add folder to Root,  put Bin in that one.....

After the first 2 tries...nothing, then BAM it started updating. The goggles didn't turn off for me after the update. They keep cycling thru on/off without turning off. I had to manually turn them off.  This will be different for sure from others.

It's hard to know why they didn't update the first few tries, but It happened after I got the email and attachments. I'm adding both they sent me, maybe it can help you.

First make sure that your battery is chargeddisconnect everything else from the goggles (VRx, WiFi, AVin, etc.), and turn them off.
Format your SD card on the computer, and afterwards make a folder named FW on the root of your SD card. Put the Orqa_update.bin in that folder, and the 2.5.1 update file outside of the folder. Put the SD card with the files in your goggles, after that turn them on and wait until the update starts (approximately 30 seconds, the first thing that will appear should be the Orqa logo, followed by a few beeps and then the update screen). During the update, it is possible that the screen will be fragmented/broken and there will be some beeping. The whole process should take between 5 and 6 minutes. At the end of the update, the goggles will turn off by themselves. That's it! After that, take out the SD card and format it (on the computer) before you use it in the goggles again.

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Why don't you just shut up if you don't have any substantial to contribute ?

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Why are so many having trouble being able to contact support for the correct files and then follow the instructions completely. If it was one bin file fits all why would they ask to be contacted to mail individual sets out. 

Is it really necessary to remove Vrx and the WiFi module from the goggles to get the 2.5.1 update working ? I'm on 2.5.0 too and unable to update to 2.5.1 neither via WiFi nor manually.

As per my facebook post:

In my case the goggles have to be sent back to Orqa for repair as the "fix" from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 does not work. I am not at all happy with this outcome as I have followed the instructions and I will now be without goggles for an unknown period of time.

Of course I want them repaired and at least this is a solution but it is not ideal and somewhat annoying as I will be without goggles until I receive them back,

Unfortunately, I have the same problem, since the glasses are on firmware 2.5.0 they can no longer be updated, I tried one on one to update as described here and every time I get the same message invalid update file.
Hey @gary, the file is released for the public. And this mail I've posted is from the orqa support!

Have you considered there may be a reason the bin file isn't on public release and this one may be incorrect for your goggle hardware. Get Support to send you the files for your goggles.  

Unfortunately even using these files and having followed the instructions to the letter I still get the message "invalid update file".

Got an email : thank you for reaching out. First make sure that your battery is charged, disconnect everything else from the goggles (VRx, WiFi, AVin, etc.), and turn them off. Format your SD card on the computer, and afterwards make a folder named "FW" on the root of your SD card. Put the Orqa_update.bin in that folder, and the 2.5.1 update file outside of the folder. Put the SD card with the files in your goggles, after that turn them on and wait until the update starts (approximately 30 seconds, the first thing that will appear should be the Orqa logo, followed by a few beeps and then the update screen). During the update, it is possible that the screen will be fragmented/broken and there will be some beeping. The whole process should take between 5 and 6 minutes. At the end of the update, the goggles will turn off by themselves. That's it! After that, take out the SD card and format it (on the computer) before you use it in the goggles again. We're attaching you the files necessary for the update in the e-mail. Kind regards, Filip
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