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FOV Mode - Racer FOV Option

Hi Orqa,

It would great if the FOV for Racer Mode could be varied.

I understand there maybe hardware limitations around this e.g. coding the FPGA for a particular FOV.  So would be be possible for you to provide a number of .orqa files on release with different FOVs?






Users can now dial in their perfect FOV.  Whether that be for focused racing, or because they can not see the entire screen in Freestyle mode and just want to drop it by a couple of degrees.

This type of freedom to select your perfect FOV would be awesome.



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Unfortunately, that is not possible...

That is very disappointing as it would be an awesome feature.

I understand it may be difficult to have a release with multiple FOV options in the menu.  So why not release .orqa files with different 'racer' FOV options?





@Jye, can you explain a little bit further what do you mean by "separate binaries" ? Do you mean as firmware updates?

But, still, there will not be any other FOV modes in FPV.One besides the two existing ones.

Not even as separate binaries???

Unfortunately, no other FOV modes will be added due to some limitations.

seamlessly resizing would be perfect to fit all. Bob (kabab fpv) announced that feature way it still in progress?

This is a must....  Please, this is crucial for me. I am a ranked competitive racer and need to have this for my goggles. 

This would be great. The freestyle one is just a hair too big and the racing one is far too small.

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