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RasPi HDMI support

When using a Raspberry Pi as input to the FPV.One, the goggles shows a message saying the HDMI signal is not compatible.

This support allows for great flexibility with portable projects to use the Orqa FPV.One on the go with a RasPi (RetroPi, etc.)

This probably depends on the other feature request: the true 16/9 scaling featureĀ­.

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What does your config.txt look like? I am pretty sure this can be fixed by configuring the raspberry pi correctly.

I use plenty of pis with various displays and often it requires proper configuration before it works.

As the hdmi input states to be 1280x720 nativ, my raspberry is also at HDready format but didn't get it to work.
I'm currently running a default retroPi config.txt. the Orqa are able to receive 1080p feeds which works with an xbox360, but somehow is picky on the Pi, so I'm guessing something really specific is not being handled, but I don't know much about HDMI specifics.

try setting hdmi_safe=1 in the /boot/config.txt file

alternatively check and play with the hdmi parameters

My RPi4 with hdmi_safe=1 works just fine. I don't have trouble with my RPi2 either.

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