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Firmware Update Taking a While...

I just received my goggles and tried the latest firmware but it wouldn't start the update process.  In hindsight this was because the card had to be formatted.

During troubleshooting I changed to updating to 1.2 instead just in case, since it seems to be a critical update necessary for other things to work.

I am writing this in hopes that it wraps things up as the progress bar has been full on the update process for a good 10 minutes now.  Does anyone have suggestions on what I should do?  It hasn't rebooted yet and seems like it may be stuck on the end of the progress bar.

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After a few more minutes the screens turned off, so I took off power and rebooted and it came back to life, with as expected the bugged left OLED.  Updating now to most recent.  Sorry for clogging up the forum with no issue at all. It just completed the latest update. :)

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