No as long as the goggles are displaying the module output and not black I can change the channel as many times as I like from the direct channel up down buttons without the DVR stopping. If i start the DVR before the moule is displayed the DVR stops when the module feed aperas I would assume it's the DVR seeing a change in what it's synced to.
Gary Boulter, every second time it reproduced, every other tries - it works
I have this issue too on the latest firmware. I'm using Rapidfire and switch channel via rapidfire joystick.
I have several quads on different channels and fly them all in a single day, then when I come home I often notice that dvr is only recorded from a single quad, even though I flew it, then others, then this one again - so basically dvr is missing from other channels except the first one I've chosen.
I didn't pay attention about the exact case yet, but I had this issue several times and confirm that something is wrong here.
Igor Novikov
Hi, report medium bug.
Version 2.0
Precondition: you are on middle of rx channel(4-5(if you on 1 or 8 - rx channel doesnot switch))
1. Press button on googles record dvr
2. After it press channel up or channel down.
3. Stop DVR
4. Record DVR
5. After it press channel up or channel down.
ER: dvr is recording(like after step 2), rx channel changed
AR: dvr is stopping, when you changing channel, if you recorded DVR in this session before(session = googles turned on)
Additional info: It can be reproduced several times in one session. Just record dvr, change cnahhel. Stop record, record again and in reproduced.