Hi there,
Yesterday I started my Orqa's (which I received in January) for the first time.
They wont run at all, the red power light shows up. But the screen stays black!
The RapidFire module also receives no power.
The only thing that works, is the fan.
One time in about 50 tries the goggles actually boot up.
First time only the right screen showed up, second time both screen showed up.
But today I didn't manage to boot the goggles at all.
And I'm trying since 4 hours to boot them once!
Firmware is the version which you've shipped with and yes I tried to update the firmware, but it won't let me, because it is NOT booting.
may i direct you the this thread, where i posted a file which could help!?https://orqafpv.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/48000559843
Malte Fries
Hi there,
Yesterday I started my Orqa's (which I received in January) for the first time.
They wont run at all, the red power light shows up. But the screen stays black!
The RapidFire module also receives no power.
The only thing that works, is the fan.
One time in about 50 tries the goggles actually boot up.
First time only the right screen showed up, second time both screen showed up.
But today I didn't manage to boot the goggles at all.
And I'm trying since 4 hours to boot them once!
Firmware is the version which you've shipped with and yes I tried to update the firmware, but it won't let me, because it is NOT booting.