Losing drone

Dear pilots, as always, Orqa is listening to the community.

We would love to hear about your experience with losing drones.
How many times did that happened to you? And in which cases?
Which solution are you using for preventing that? If so, how would you do it better?
What does the FPV hobby miss in this very case?

What do you think could help in this case?
How many of you would like to have something that would prevent that?

Looking forward to getting feedback from you guys!

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Hallo Habe öfter schon gesucht und fiel finden können mit denn DVR ! Es müsse immer ein Backup mit laufen, auch wenn man vergessen hat das dvr zu starten!

I, very fortunately, haven't lost a quad yet due to being physically unable to find it. I have only crashed quads and broken them. 

I do run buzzers on as many quads as I can and esc beepers on those that I can't.

could this by any chance be related to the pic in this thread? :D

I run buzzers with their own little lipo on my freestyle rigs, so even if the battery gets ejected I will at least have it buzzing. I also log GPS coordinates to my Radio as a last resort.

On my racers I just rely on Dshot beeping.

So far I have been able to retrieve every quad. But I fear the day when this will not be possible.

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